We knew it would be wet, but not this wet... so have chatted to some local Tico's and they have confirmed that it's the worse case of what they call winter (wet but still warm) for many years! However, the country is so green because of it, the beautiful colourful flowers, shrubs and trees everywhere, almost overwhelm the senses. This contrasting with the backdrop of tropical sounds, and sightings of tropical birds of paradise more than compensate for the inconvenience of the heavy and relentless rainfall. And after all, it's only water!
From our balcony we watch how the locals operate a bicycle whilst holding an umbrella and their shopping simultaneously! It's a skill that we are hoping to acquire if we stay here long enough to get our hands on some push bikes. So far our enquiries have only made it as far as local hire shops that are asking crazy money for a months hire but we are hoping to ask around and see where they sell old bikes, I for one am missing two wheels!
We have had some homesick moments of course, how could you make a giant leap like this and not? It's been quite strange because it takes the mind and body a while to realise that it is 'okay' to relax, and that this is what it is all about. We have had good contact via the internet and today we are moving to a house without but will have it in the school that we start in on Monday.
We have had the pleasure of meeting the village Dr already and what a pleasurable experience that was, seriously, a lovely guy, okay so he was charging us, but nice to know he is there and has a heart. Rene had an ear infection, and is on the mend now. He asked him to stop by on Monday just to see that he is better, as he said that he would worry otherwise! All the locals are lovely in fact, pretty laid back and are particularly helpful, possibly in part because of Rene's fluent Spanish abilities. Most of them have a go at English with me though when Rene is not by my side and I have to try and converse, but I am trying to learn Spanish albeit slowly.
Okay time to pack up and move on again now, will blog again as soon as we can. The photo is of the view towards the beach nearest to us.