We were on the Pacific North West coast of the country and the plan was to take a slow trip across the mountians and down south to the East Caribbean coast of C.Rica over a few months, but weather forced us down in a day and a half! It rained so hard that bridges broke, and numerous landslides occured, sadly causing fatalaties and many road closures. We escaped just in time thanks to a Dutch couple with a car that befriended us heavy laden travellers and took us over 500k on bumpy roads in their 4 x 4 hire car!
So, it's calming down now and we have started to explore an entirely different scene to the one that we spent the last six weeks in. The Caribbean coast has a whole different flavour to the relatively sophisticated north. It's rustic at it's best and a little shanti with an aroma of special herbs in the air! We have been offered a variety of choice substances on the streets and have thus far declined!
We have secured a lovely apartment for a week in the town of Cahuita, owned by Italians (who talk very loudly and gesticulate wildly in true latin fashion) and due to Rene's heritage, managed to get a good deal on the price.
We went for a short walk in the National Park here and 9 kilometres later, looking and feeling rather bedraggled we ended up at the other end of a trail (still some 6k from our apartment) and came upon an oasis...an Italian restaurant set in beautiful gardens with a rather charismatic Italian owner. Another few heritage points here got us a lift home, after we had fed and watered of course!
Oh and there were kittens...added bonus!
Tonight we are going out with guitars to pimp ourselves out for a gig or two @ $50 a night, see what happens. Reggae seems to be the chosen genre here...we may get laughed at, worth a risk though!
Over and out bloggers, chef's cooking up a storm and it's nearly time to eat. xxx
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