We have had a lot of rain this week, as it's still rainy season so we've had a few days rained in at home. Nothing to do but read and work on my Spanish studies (very slow going!). Rene is pretty fluent so helps me out a bit, and does most of the talking in public. We don't want you all to think that whilst you are freezing your butts off in blighty, that we are on the beach ... it's still winter here ,although not quite as harsh of course!

We still worked three days though, at the rescue centre http://www.jaguarrescue.com/ for two days where we had the responsibility of the baby monkeys for a few hours. They are both orphans and are crying for their Mums (who died) all the time, so it's quite traumatic for them still. The owner of the rescue centre is their new Mum and they are mostly attached to her. Then one day Rene and I took 9 of the older monkeys into the jungle for them to have their two hour play, and after a while, 7 of them curled up on us/with us on the rug on the grass and went to sleep. It was a bit surreal at the time but very cute. We had cramps in our legs and aching backs after an hour, but dare not move and wake them up! One of the mature females is flirting with a wild male that waits for her most days, so hopefully soon she will stay wild with him. That's the plan anyway, and from what we are told, usually happens when they get to about two and half years old.
The other volunteer project we are involved with is about people and is a community project http://www.elpuente-thebridge.org/ that helps the indigenous people in the area. An American couple from San Diego run and devote their lives to helping the families from local tribes in every way possible. On Christmas day we will be helping them provide a lunch for 80 - 100 and then we will be the entertainment, guitars in hand as usual. We'll have to learn some Christmas Carols I think, not sure they will appreciate 'The Blues'!
We have been helping wrap Christmas presents for them this week...colouring books for adults...they never had them as kids and love them, and teddy bears for teenage boys, who never had them either and think they are the best thing ever. It's a different world. These people live in terrible conditions and it's a real eye opener for us to see that the things that we take for granted are an absolute joy to them. What makes this organisation special though is that they provide microloans to people to facilitate their own business start-up and become more self sufficient. Hopefully it will at least make a dent in the cycle of poverty. It can be as simple as buying some gardening tools and printing some leaflets to get them started in their own gardening business. If anyone is feeling generous this month, (I know it's Christmas!), or any month, you can make donations to them online and we can guarantee that the money ALL goes to a great cause.

We have a few visitors at home now, well actually they are more like residents. A couple of Costa Rican cats, have owned us! Yes okay we did encourage them a bit. The kitten looked like it was on it's last legs and really needed rescuing, and as you know we are suckers for black and white kittens! Within 5 days of eating properly, she has stopped shaking, has a shiny coat, and she actually started purring today! Tiger is the stripy one and the kitten is 'Picola'. Two local dogs have also owned us, and yes, we are feeding them too. We may well be starting our own animal charity at this rate!
We have had news of our three fury friends at home, and they seem happy in their new home and settled with the kind care of Nanci and Doe. We miss them though! Also we have had news that our house in Bournemouth is in good shape, and that the students are keeping it clean and tidy. That's from a friend not the agency, so we are pleased about that and quite surprised!
This weekend, my ten best friends from college are having a reunion...without me! The first one in 20 years that I haven't attended, or organised either! My choice I know, but that's one of the down sides of being here, that whilst we are doing amazing things, we are missing our family and friends. Still, I will be skyping them shortly so getting to see and speak to them and I am thankful for the technology that we have in order to help us still feel close despite the five and half thousand miles between us. Great news also is that Julia will be joining us in January for three weeks. We are so excited to see her and show her around and she is busting at the seams with excitement to meet the monkeys, and maybe a bit to see us! Hopefully Dani and Pete will be joining us in the spring too.
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