Wednesday, 24 August 2011
On Sicilian Soil!
Sunday, 12 June 2011
We had a great time, an experience of a lifetime in-fact over the 8 months that we lived there. We are slowly adjusting to not being there still having left over 3 weeks ago now. It's as much of a culture shock coming back to England as it was going to Costa Rica and we have been reminded of why we left England in the first place in some ways. Whilst Costa Rica is not necessarily somewhere that we are going to lay down roots right now, it has been one hell of an unforgettable and wonderful experience.
What did we love - the weather, climate in general, the slower pace, the unpretentiousness of it all, the stunning flora and fauna of the jungle surroundings, the abundance of wildlife and hands on animal care experience that we had, constantly meeting new people and being inspired by their stories and lives, the sounds of nature, the beautiful warm Caribbean ocean, and probably the hammock on the terrace in my case! It's a country of endless stunning natural beauty and we would recommend it to anyone who has an adventurous heart and a passion for nature.
We have been touring around England for over two weeks now, visiting family and friends, celebrating my 40th, and are now packing to head to warmer climes again. We were tremendously happy to find that our home has been immaculately cared for by our students tenants, so with peace of mind we can head off again. Tomorrow we are off to Turkey and are staying in my Dad's house in Kusadasi for most of the rest of the summer. Hopefully we will enjoy playing some music and perhaps practicing our TEFL teaching skills on the locals ready for our teaching jobs in Sicily in the Autumn.
Thanks to all the band who were amazing at Gen's house last night for the big FOUR OH party and all who came and braved the rain and partied with us! Renegade rocked twice during our visit, both great gigs and I am very grateful for their efforts at our birthday party, thanks guys! It's like you have never been apart!
On with the packing now and next time we blog, we will have a Turkish tale to tell!
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Day Trippin'
We took a long bike ride to the see the furthest and best beaches on her first day and did some snorkeling at Punta Uva and Aricife. The sea was a bit rougher than usual but we still saw a lot of coral and marine life. We took it easy on the ride as even though we are keen cyclists, Susan is finding the heat hard so we dropped our normal pace to the 'Costa Rican' pace. Everyone cycle's here as a means from A to B and there's no lycra or aero dynamic bike wear in sight! So even though we are keen bikers together back home, it was an eye opener for her to see that cycling takes on a different meaning here!

We took a trip to the nearby village of Bribri and followed the waterfall trail and found that the steeper you go, the scarier it gets, but if you have the stomach for heights, the view is certainly worth it. We swam in ice cool waterfall pools at the top and half way up and watching the local families enjoying it too was great.
Yesterday we went to the animal rescue centre and even though we are no longer volunteers, we sneaked in the staff entrance early before the crowds of tourists arrived and had some time with the animals. Susan was a bit wary of being in the cage with the monkeys to start with but I managed to persuade her to come in and she held one of the younger quiet ones Becky.

Despite not having been for a few weeks, Rene and I were pleased to find that they still recognised us and we were inundated with monkey cuddles. I forgot my hat and within seconds they had restyled my hair! The three mature females love Rene, all men in-fact and are very territorial towards men around women, so one was literally trying to bite me when I got near Rene! The cheek of her, he is my man!

A new addition to the centre is the beautiful baby fawn. the story goes that the farmer shot the mother deer and then found the foal and bought it in. I find that a bit strange as if you have a hard enough heart to kill a deer, then why would really care about the foal?! Never the less, she is in safe hands now and being cared for and hopefully will be reintegrated back into the forest when she is old enough to fend for herself.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Sicily Here We Come

Sunday, 17 April 2011
Lucky Puppy

Monday, 11 April 2011
Renegade Set To Rock Again!
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Back From a Tour

Sunday, 27 March 2011
The Galli's Appear on Spanish Television!
Click on this link then ....
Saturday, 26 March 2011
The Latest Addition

So we are enjoying spending time with the animals still and I know that a lot of you are interested in the animal rescue so here’s the latest. This little monkey was found on the beach, about 8, maybe 9 weeks old alone, crying for it’s mother and was bought into the rescue centre. It’s mother was nowhere to be found sadly. It was very weak for a few days and we weren’t sure if it was going to make it but the owners of the centre nursed it back to health and when it was strong enough, they confidently named him Afro. Afro grew in strength considerably and soon started to show the older monkeys who was the boss! Shortly after the vet arrived and announced that she was in-fact a girl, henceforth came the prompt name change to Cocoa.

Cocoa, whilst very confident amongst the troop in general, made a beeline for the Cuka one of the oldest females in the group and fortunately Cuka showed maternal instincts towards her. They are pretty inseparable now which is wonderful. This is not common as the howlers are not necessarily maternal. There are two other young ones that are only a little older but neither of them have bonded with any particular older female in the troop. I guess Cocoa is just lucky. She likes to ride on Cuka’s back and when they go to the jungle for their daily outing, she scales the heights of the highest trees on her new Mum’s back. Hopefully she will be climbing up them on her own one day.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Baz Jones in Puerto Viejo
The next day he wanted to go fishing, so I suggested a short cycle ride to a bay where the water is usually calmer, which turned out to be 10 miles or so away! It's so hot, he sweat a few pounds off on the way and since he hasn't cycled for about 10 years, he was cursing me and wishing that he was having an easy day at work! He loved it really. Well the fishing turned out to be a joke, we caught some leaves, some seaweed and a shell - nothing barely edible and stopped off at the fishmongers on the way home to buy our supper!
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Too Long

Monday, 17 January 2011
Primates Are Our Mates
Today Rene has taken a bus to San Jose, the capital city to pick up Julia from the airport tonight. It's technically not that far away but the bus takes 4 - 5 hours because the roads are not exactly great here. Hopefully she will land safe this evening and Rene wil

Sunday, 9 January 2011
Room at the Inn

Rene with one of the older sloths, having a dance!
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
A Monkey In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush

Every day the 9 rescue monkeys get taken to the Jungle just outside the Centre for their two hour play come rain or shine. There are a couple of older females in the group that are almost ready to go wild, and they are around two and half years old. There is a male howler monkey that sits and waits for them and he is we think the father to be of Coonga's baby as we have seen t

Also today, I was looking after a baby squirrel, who's mother got killed by the electricity wires, and he - Leno is now care of the centre until he is old enough to fend for himself. The picture is not that great but he is really tiny.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Days Like These

Sunday, 2 January 2011
A Day In The Life

Whilst we were there we saw the loveliest tiny orange frogs, and a very big sloth climbing along the fence! It's not the sort of thing that you would see when visiting Borders for example! That's very typical here though, it's like we have invaded the space of all these beautiful creatures and something as simple as shopping for a book can involve all sorts of encounters with wildlife!
After that, one of the local bars beckoned us....well it's £1.00 a beer and it's a Sunday, so why not?? We called our neighbours who were kicking about at home and asked them to join us... a few beers later, chats with various passers by, it was nearly dark and we still had to get groceries and cycle home. The bike ride home is only on two roads and about half a kilometre, but they are both very bumpy, potholed roads/tracks and quite challenging in the dark, with no lights, so we got a shifty on.

Back home, I convinced Rene to make some of his famous chips with fish. He's always happy to oblige in that respect and they are heavenly! But first, we had to feed our three stray dogs and two hungry cats awaiting our return on the porch! We wish we could adopt them all permanently but it's not our home and we have no fixed abode, so we will just take care of them for now. The little kitten is a lot better following our vets visits thankfully. Back to work with the monkeys tomorrow, we can't wait to see what developments have taken place with the monkeys courtships in our absense.