Whilst we were there we saw the loveliest tiny orange frogs, and a very big sloth climbing along the fence! It's not the sort of thing that you would see when visiting Borders for example! That's very typical here though, it's like we have invaded the space of all these beautiful creatures and something as simple as shopping for a book can involve all sorts of encounters with wildlife!
After that, one of the local bars beckoned us....well it's £1.00 a beer and it's a Sunday, so why not?? We called our neighbours who were kicking about at home and asked them to join us... a few beers later, chats with various passers by, it was nearly dark and we still had to get groceries and cycle home. The bike ride home is only on two roads and about half a kilometre, but they are both very bumpy, potholed roads/tracks and quite challenging in the dark, with no lights, so we got a shifty on.

Back home, I convinced Rene to make some of his famous chips with fish. He's always happy to oblige in that respect and they are heavenly! But first, we had to feed our three stray dogs and two hungry cats awaiting our return on the porch! We wish we could adopt them all permanently but it's not our home and we have no fixed abode, so we will just take care of them for now. The little kitten is a lot better following our vets visits thankfully. Back to work with the monkeys tomorrow, we can't wait to see what developments have taken place with the monkeys courtships in our absense.
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